/core/cms.php => loadMenuStruct()
Запрос занял 0.00048 с.
/core/cms.php => getAllComponents()
SELECT id, title, link, config, internal, published, version, system FROM xt_components ORDER BY title
Запрос занял 0.00045 с.
/core/cms.php => loadPluginsData()
SELECT p.id, p.plugin, p.config, e.event FROM xt_event_hooks e LEFT JOIN xt_plugins p ON e.plugin_id = p.id WHERE p.published = 1
Запрос занял 0.00054 с.
/core/classes/user.class.php => get_fields()
SELECT id, access FROM xt_user_groups WHERE alias = 'guest' ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT 1
Запрос занял 0.00026 с.
/core/classes/user.class.php => get_fields()
SELECT int_num, int_period, autodelete, id, status, bandate, user_id, cause FROM xt_banlist WHERE ip = '' AND status=1 ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT 1
Запрос занял 0.00035 с.
/core/classes/db.class.php => get_fields()
SELECT * FROM xt_photo_albums WHERE NSLevel = 0 AND NSDiffer = '' ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT 1
Запрос занял 0.00053 с.
/core/classes/db.class.php => get_fields()
SELECT * FROM xt_photo_albums WHERE id = '1038' ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT 1
Запрос занял 0.00033 с.
/core/classes/db.class.php => get_table()
SELECT id, title, NSLevel FROM xt_photo_albums WHERE NSLeft <= 4 AND NSRight >= 5 AND parent_id > 0 AND NSDiffer = '' ORDER BY NSLeft
Запрос занял 0.00035 с.
/components/photos/frontend.php => getAlbums()
SELECT a.id, a.title, a.description, a.pubdate, a.iconurl, a.thumb1, f.file, IFNULL(COUNT(f.id), 0) as content_count
FROM xt_photo_albums a
LEFT JOIN xt_photo_files f ON f.album_id = a.id AND f.published = 1
WHERE a.NSDiffer='' AND a.parent_id = '1038' AND a.published = 1
ORDER BY f.pubdate desc
LIMIT 1000
Запрос занял 0.00102 с.
/components/photos/frontend.php => getPhotosCount()
FROM xt_photo_files f
WHERE f.published = 1
AND (f.album_id = '1038')
Запрос занял 0.00044 с.
/components/photos/frontend.php => getPhotos()
FROM xt_photo_files f
WHERE f.published = 1
AND (f.album_id = '1038')
ORDER BY f.pubdate desc
LIMIT 0, 20
Запрос занял 0.00094 с.
/core/cms.php => rows_count()
SELECT 1 FROM xt_comments WHERE target = 'photo' AND target_id = '217' AND published = 1
Запрос занял 0.00042 с.
/core/cms.php => rows_count()
SELECT 1 FROM xt_comments WHERE target = 'photo' AND target_id = '216' AND published = 1
Запрос занял 0.00020 с.
/core/cms.php => rows_count()
SELECT 1 FROM xt_comments WHERE target = 'photo' AND target_id = '215' AND published = 1
Запрос занял 0.00016 с.
/core/cms.php => rows_count()
SELECT 1 FROM xt_comments WHERE target = 'photo' AND target_id = '214' AND published = 1
Запрос занял 0.00019 с.
/core/cms.php => rows_count()
SELECT 1 FROM xt_comments WHERE target = 'photo' AND target_id = '213' AND published = 1
Запрос занял 0.00019 с.
/core/cms.php => rows_count()
SELECT 1 FROM xt_comments WHERE target = 'photo' AND target_id = '212' AND published = 1
Запрос занял 0.00021 с.
/core/cms.php => rows_count()
SELECT 1 FROM xt_comments WHERE target = 'photo' AND target_id = '211' AND published = 1
Запрос занял 0.00021 с.
/core/cms.php => rows_count()
SELECT 1 FROM xt_comments WHERE target = 'photo' AND target_id = '210' AND published = 1
Запрос занял 0.00016 с.
/core/cms.php => rows_count()
SELECT 1 FROM xt_comments WHERE target = 'photo' AND target_id = '207' AND published = 1
Запрос занял 0.00015 с.
/core/cms.php => rows_count()
SELECT 1 FROM xt_comments WHERE target = 'photo' AND target_id = '206' AND published = 1
Запрос занял 0.00019 с.
/core/cms.php => rows_count()
SELECT 1 FROM xt_comments WHERE target = 'photo' AND target_id = '205' AND published = 1
Запрос занял 0.00021 с.
/core/cms.php => rows_count()
SELECT 1 FROM xt_comments WHERE target = 'photo' AND target_id = '204' AND published = 1
Запрос занял 0.00016 с.
/core/cms.php => rows_count()
SELECT 1 FROM xt_comments WHERE target = 'photo' AND target_id = '203' AND published = 1
Запрос занял 0.00021 с.
/core/cms.php => rows_count()
SELECT 1 FROM xt_comments WHERE target = 'photo' AND target_id = '202' AND published = 1
Запрос занял 0.00249 с.
/core/cms.php => rows_count()
SELECT 1 FROM xt_comments WHERE target = 'photo' AND target_id = '199' AND published = 1
Запрос занял 0.00016 с.
/core/cms.php => rows_count()
SELECT 1 FROM xt_comments WHERE target = 'photo' AND target_id = '198' AND published = 1
Запрос занял 0.00012 с.
/core/cms.php => rows_count()
SELECT 1 FROM xt_comments WHERE target = 'photo' AND target_id = '197' AND published = 1
Запрос занял 0.00012 с.
/core/cms.php => rows_count()
SELECT 1 FROM xt_comments WHERE target = 'photo' AND target_id = '196' AND published = 1
Запрос занял 0.00013 с.
/core/cms.php => rows_count()
SELECT 1 FROM xt_comments WHERE target = 'photo' AND target_id = '195' AND published = 1
Запрос занял 0.00013 с.
/core/cms.php => rows_count()
SELECT 1 FROM xt_comments WHERE target = 'photo' AND target_id = '194' AND published = 1
Запрос занял 0.00014 с.
/components/comments/frontend.php => getComments()
IFNULL(u.nickname, 0) as nickname,
IFNULL(u.login, 0) as login,
IFNULL(u.is_deleted, 0) as is_deleted,
IFNULL(p.imageurl, 0) as imageurl,
IFNULL(p.gender, 0) as gender
FROM xt_comments c
LEFT JOIN xt_users u ON u.id = c.user_id
LEFT JOIN xt_user_profiles p ON p.user_id = u.id
WHERE c.published = 1
AND (c.target='palbum' AND c.target_id = '1038')
ORDER BY c.pubdate ASC
LIMIT 1000
Запрос занял 0.00061 с.
/core/classes/page.class.php => loadModulesForMenuItem()
SELECT m.*, mb.position as mb_position
FROM xt_modules m
INNER JOIN xt_modules_bind mb ON mb.module_id = m.id AND mb.menu_id IN (47, 0)
WHERE m.published = 1 AND (m.is_strict_bind = 0)
ORDER BY m.ordering ASC
Запрос занял 0.00090 с.